                with Stanwyck and Blondell
Along with rumours about the existence of a 40-reel version of Erich von Stroheim's GREED, film scholars have long been deluged with fan queries concerning a lost Ivan movie. (Ivan was later to star in two hit TV series: THE DANGERS OF IVAN, and THE HORRORS OF IVAN, both of which were favourites of Reid Fleming, World's Toughest Milkman.)

Now one of these urban myths is urban no longer. Or myth no longer. Recently found behind a barrel of lard in the cellar of James Moore, of Puslinch, Ontario, was a pristine nitrate copy of HOLD MY BONE!, a hard-core porn epic that features early appearances by two starlets who were soon to go on to better, if not bigger, things. (The still photo above shows a climactic moment from the orgy sequence.)

A public presentation at the Kunst-Museum in Dusseldorf, Germany will be held on February 30, 2004. Unfortunately, all the tickets have already been sold.

Secrets of Olde Hollywood